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I’ve been to see ‘my’ reflexologist Clive

… it hurt at times, really hurt at times, but now I am feeling soooo much better 😀

Don’t get me wrong, my back is still sore but all over I feel better! If I could, regardless of my health, I’d go and see Clive at least once a month, I just feel the holistic benefits are that great. He’s got my lymph glands going, eased my neck and everything 😀

Oh … just in case you don’t know the word reflexology …

Reflexology is an Holistic, non-invasive therapy that has a documented history dating back 5000 years. It was known about in ancient China and there are paintings on the walls of the tomb of Ankhamor (a physician to the Pharoah) in Saqquara depicting its use in around 2500 B.C.

There are approximately 7200 nerve endings on the feet, and these relate to various organs and glands within the body. A mirror image of the body has been mapped on the feet and presure applied on specific reflex points on the feet can affect the corresponding part of the body.

The energy flow or Chi which flows through the body, if disrupted can cause illness or dis-ease and Reflexology aims to restore and maintain balance.

The body has its own powerful healing response, Reflexology aims to stimulate this into normal functioning and once acheived, help to maintain Homeostasis or balance.

Clive also reminded me where I can do pointing on my hands to both ease my back and get my adrenal glands working i.e. gets the anti-inflammatory ‘stuff’ working. The number 10 spot is for my adrenal glands and in the white bit to the side is for my spine. Oh and I must always do it on both hands to maintain the balance 🙂